Our hair transplant procedures provide you with a very natural look, maintaining virtually undetectable results and optimal density without compromising the donor area.
In six months our patients begin to notice their new hair growing. Normal growth rate is half an inch a month. How much hair is restored depends on the patient's degree of hair loss and their desired result. Some needs are met in one hair transplant procedure while the goals of others may be best achieved over multiple hair transplant surgeries. Each patient is unique and results can vary from patient to patient. There are many factors that can affect your result. Fine vs coarse, curly vs straight, your hair color contrast with your skin color as well as the number of grafts per centimeter of scalp area that is covered.
The HRC Guarantee assures all patients that Dr. Zufelt and his staff will do everything they can to assure each grafted hair will grow in, provided the patient uses the post-operative kit (Iamin kit) and follows the pre and post-operative instructions, attends follow up visits at 4, 8, and 12 months. One follow-up visit should occur between four (4) and eight (8) months following surgery, and another between twelve (12) and fourteen (14) months following surgery. This will allow HRC to follow your progress and provide quality patient care. Some medical conditions may require lab work or biopsies. This cost may be deferred to the individual patient. (Disclaimer: nothing in medicine is 100% as each patient is unique and will vary depending on the many factors that can be involved from patient to patient.)